On friday, Sept. 3, the cross country team had its first meet of the season. Head Coach Michelle Breuer says that they did okay, but not great.
“We told them not to worry so much about their times, but we thought they’d do better,” said Mrs. Breuer.
In this specific race, there were two hundred or more runners. According to Coach Breuer, junior Josh McKinley had a higher time than they thought he would have. Within the first 200 meters of the race, senior Zach Taylor was stampeded by the large group of runners, which in turn put him behind.
As for the girls, Mrs. Breuer says senior Erica Grogg did very well, coming in as their best female runner. She made sixth place for her division.
Next week, Mrs. Breuer and her teams are heading off to Forest Park for their next meet. She is, again, expecting McKinley and Taylor to do well, even more so than the last. Although, according to Coach Breuer, this race will be one of the hardest. Out of the 90 invited, she thinks at least 60 teams will be there.
“I don’t know what to predict,” said Mrs. Breuer. “[Some of the boys] usually go to state. The rest of them need work.”
As for the girls, she has the same high expectations for Grogg.
“I’m hoping she’ll go a little further. She has the race under her belt,” said Mrs. Breuer.