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The online home of the Central Focus

Left: Clenching his fists, junior Don Thornton waits for the play to begin.(Amelia Raziq) 
Right: Junior Amelia Raziq taps the base to help herself focus for the pitch. (Addison Yeaton)

Raziq and Thorton: September Athletes of the Month

Hannah Halterman, Web Co-Editor-in-Chief November 18, 2024

Amelia  Q: What position do you play for high school? Raziq: I pitch and play first and third.    Q: When did you start playing softball? Raziq: I started playing probably when I...

Kendal Morelock is ready to swing to hit the ball. She keeps her eyes on the ball throughout the whole swing.

Dominating at Districts

Summer Suarez and Meghan Baumann October 31, 2023

In the first round of districts on Oct. 12, the varsity softball team beat the Riverview Rams, with an astounding score of 18 to 0. This was sophomore Kendal Morelock’s second time at districts and...

A Heartfelt Goodbye

Katherine Albertson, Staff Photographer October 13, 2023

Varsity softball ended it’s game in the third inning against Fort Zumwalt East High School with a score of 16-3 on Oct. 4. Softball also celebrated their seniors playing their final high school softball...

Leading off the Season

Leading off the Season

Lillian Seithel, Staff Photographer October 4, 2023

Even with a tough loss, the girls’ varsity softball team continues to communicate and stick together to motivate each other throughout each game. Although the game on Sept. 19 against the Howell...

Sarah Hoshaw fist bumping her coach to come in and hit.

Winding Down the Season

Matt Rupp, Staff Reporter November 10, 2022

The FHC softball season came to an end on October 11 with a 17 inning, 8-7 loss to Ft. Zumwalt West in the district tournament.   After finishing second in state last season FHC’s softball team...

Sophomore Margaret Meyer after pitching the ball. This was against Winfield.

Practice Only Makes Progress

Caitlyn McInnis, Staff Photographer October 17, 2022

  The jv girls softball team played against Winfield on Oct. 6. After an intense game, the girls eventually lost with a score of 7-9. Sophomore Margaret Meyer makes note on the season. "I...

Junior Sydney Webb gets herself into position to catch the ball.

Out of the Park

Caitlyn McInnis, Staff Photographer October 7, 2022

​​The girls softball team went up against Fort Zumwalt West in a home game on Tuesday, Sept. 27. They played a long and hard game and ultimately came out as victors with the score being 4-3. Junior...

Kendal Morelock is going in mid swing to get a run to advance to first base.

Rock the Knights

Bryce Cash, Staff Photgrapher September 29, 2022

Girls varisty softball tackled Francis Howell North softball, both teams were going head to head towards the final innings of the game, when Francis Howell Central scored 2 runs. The game was played on...

The Varsity Softball team high fives North Point.

Winding Up The Season

Rachel Blanchard, Staff Reporter September 26, 2022

As the softball season starts winding up, the girl’s Varsity team must learn to adjust to the new coach, new players, and new expectations.  Because of the team’s run to state last year, expectations...

Sarah Hoshaw in the process of pitching.

Swing And A Miss

Brock Slinkard, Staff Photographer September 22, 2022

  On Thursday Sept. 15, our Varsity Softball team had a game against Troy which did not play in our favor, the girls lost 13-1. FHC’s starter pitcher, Junior Sarah Hoshaw,  did her best...

The girls softball team celebrates with their friends and family after winning against Troy. The game was hard fought and the win was celebrated even harder.

BREAKING: Finally Final 4

Tea Perez, Newspaper Editor-in-Chief October 23, 2021

The last Friday before fall break had everyone feeling excited, ready to have a week off of school, however, for the varsity girls softball team, their excitement stemmed from the extraordinary game...

Senior Kennedy Jensen and sophomore Phoebe Miller bumping elbows during the state quarterfinal game, which was suspended after 11 innings with the score even at two. The girls softball team is a well oiled machine who are ready to continue in tonights game.

Suspense Full

Tea Perez, Newspaper Editor-in-Chief October 22, 2021

The bleachers were packed on both sides, the energy was tense as the opposing student bodies taunted each other, fans and parents alike were on the edge of their seats as the girls softball team took on...

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