Keeping the Ball Rolling

District announces FHC’s new interim principal


FHC has been waiting in anticipation to find out who will be head principal Dr. Sonny Arnel’s successor ever since he announced his plans to retire at the end of the 21-22 school year. The interviewing process has been met with bumps in the road causing delays in a final decision. However, the school must continue on as Dr. Arnel takes leave in the coming year. This morning Dr. Suzanne Leake was announced to be taking the role of FHC’s interim principal.

Dr. Leake is currently building principal at Bryan Middle School and has been for the past five years. She was a former assistant principal in both the Hazelwood district and the Zumwalt district at the high school level. Dr. Arnel has worked with her for as long as she’s worked in the district and is confident her experience will allow her to step into her new position with ease.

“[Dr. Leake] has great experience [knowing what] a high level, high functioning high school is, how it performs and what [its] students need,” Dr. Arnel said. “[Dr. Leake has] tons of experience leading the faculty, working and engaging with families, and taking care of students.”

An important part of FHC’s success is the culture created within the school through academics, sports, clubs, and most importantly the people. Dr. Arnel believes that she is more than capable of keeping FHC’s vision alive. 

“I’m really excited about her coming here… she gets [that] academics are important… she really understands and values athletics and activities, she really gets the whole picture,” Dr. Arnel said. “She’s very attached to our building in particular because a lot of our kids [come from] Bryan [Middle School]… so I think it’s going to be a great transition, I think she’s going to be a tremendous principal here and really keep what we’re doing rolling.”