Pre-Season Perfection

Some of the Varsity Girls Lacrosse players listening to their coach for instruction after school in the FHC stadium.

At 6 a.m. sharp, lacrosse players can be found lifting weights to get in shape for the season that begins on Feb. 27. After 50 minutes of intense training, the players afterward proceed to their first hour to start the school day.

Additionally, since late November of 2022, the team has practiced on the football field after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, focusing on speed and agility training and stick work. The inspiring work done by none other than the girls lacrosse team further forms bonds between the players and increases their performance later in the season.

Players on the team, such as senior Kara Middleton, meet up in the field and work on the fundamentals.

“I think since we started practicing with sticks, the team was getting a lot better. I’m definitely noticing improvement in some of the girls who were going because I tried to go to all of them,” Middleton said.

These practices allow for coaching and working with a smaller group of players to get a headstart on the season, benefitting many new players. Junior Sophie Shore said the practice and workout schedule allows players to get back into the swing.

“It warms me up for the season instead of just going into the season cold and it gets me back into my groove before I start,” Shore said.

Three of the Varsity Girls Lacrosse players jogging across the stadium field while stretching. (Amelia Raziq)

The importance of being with a smaller group of athletes is shown through the ability to make more friends and create bonds throughout the team.

“It’s like we’re all connected during the workouts, we’re all helping and cheering each other on saying, ‘You gotta go faster, you can do it,’ and it’s just an encouraging atmosphere that helps build trust with each other,” Shore said.

Working together in practices after school, the team can also begin to learn the many different playstyles of everyone. Senior Sam Dobbins says pre-season allows the athletes to figure each other out.

“Just doing drills together, you know that you’re all working hard together and you’re in one space for an hour, maybe two hours. You know that you all have one team objective: you only want to get better, you want to have a great season and I think that’s awesome,” Dobbins said.

Additionally, not only do the players benefit, but the coaches also learn a lot about each player. Middleton says that it pays off to work harder.

“The coaches want to see us improving, putting in the work, and they’ll reward you for that,” Middleton said. “You’ll get playing time and you’ll honestly be rewarding yourself by putting in the work because you’re gonna make a higher team and you’re gonna do better in the season.”