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Steven Blair, Adriana Kuhn, Carolie Owens and Sam Young will participate in the FHSD candidate forum in the auditorium on March 19 at 7 p.m.
Steven Blair, Adriana Kuhn, Carolie Owens and Sam Young will participate in the FHSD candidate forum in the auditorium on March 19 at 7 p.m.

Meet the 2024 Board of Education Candidates

Four FHSD residents have put their names in to fill two seats on the Board of Education, learn more about them here
Important Dates

A public candidate forum hosted by FHC will take place on Tues, March 19, where all board candidates will be asked questions by the FHC publications staff and will be allowed to answer 30 minutes of public questions afterward.

The three year terms of Board Directors Chad Lange and Janet Stiglich end in 2024 and are up for re-election, opening up two spots.

On April 2 official voting for all school board districts across Missouri will take place.

Steven Blair

Each candidate was sent the same set of 10 questions to respond to; these questions will also form the basis of the questions each candidate will be asked at the candidate forum on March 19.

Why do you want to be on the FHSD school board? 

I felt a nudge to serve Francis Howell when I saw how the new board majority’s actions were hurting our teachers and students. Teachers are leaving Francis Howell for early retirement and for other districts which has never happened like this before. In one year, they have already damaged Francis Howell’s reputation for academic success that took decades to develop. I am a pastor and I believe that “Love your neighbor” includes giving students the best public education possible regardless of background or post-high school future. We do not want to go “Back to Basics.” We want to be the BEST. We can be a Top 3 District in the State if we put Education Over Politics. This requires electing school board members who focus on Supporting Teachers, a critical piece of advancing Student Success.

Why are you the right person to be elected to work on the board and represent our students and community? Please explain your answer. 

As a pastor, I have led large groups of people who identify as red, blue, purple and none of the above. We were able to work together to accomplish mutual goals and created a healthy culture that embraced differences. People respected me as their pastor because they knew that I treated them with respect regardless of their beliefs. I have also managed staff, volunteers, and large budgets. A school board member needs to show respect to all community members and find ways to get people to work together. I will bring those skills and experiences with me onto the Francis Howell School Board.

Do you agree with the current Board’s decision to remove and then reinstate the Black Literature and Black history classes from the high school curriculum? Please explain your answer. 

I did not agree with the Board’s decision to remove the Black History and Black Literature classes. I do not agree with the Board majority’s false messaging and treatment of students following their vote. On December 20th, Board Majority Member Randy Cook posted on Facebook that the vote to remove the “Social Justice Standards” for the courses was a late addition to the December 21, 2023 Board Meeting because of the upcoming enrollment date. Because enrollment started January 15, 2024 this vote HAD to happen on December 21, 2023 instead of waiting until the January 18, 2024 Board Meeting so the course catalog could be accurate. At the December 21st Board Meeting, the Board was told that their vote would remove the courses from the course catalog since they would no longer have a curriculum attached to it. The five-person Board majority endorsed by the same Political Action Committee as our two opponents in this election knew this and voted to remove the “Social Justice Standards” and therefore, the two courses from the course catalog. The courses were available before the vote and they were gone after the vote. The vote removed the courses. Those who made the vote spent the following weeks trying to argue that their vote did not remove the courses but only the “Social Justice Standards.” While technically accurate, this falsely misrepresented the known impact on their vote and why it had to be voted on December 21, 2023. This false messaging and “spin” further damaged public trust in this board majority. The students were upset and organized walkouts at three high schools. Regarding the January 18th Walkout, the Political Action Committee supporting the board majority, Sam Young, and Adriana Kuhn posted on their Facebook Page on January 15th “Make Your Voices Heard: FHSD must equally enforce the Code of Conduct.” Ironically, this post happened on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Their side was more interested in punishing students for speaking up than they were interested in listening to the students. On January 17th, their Political Action Committee posted “Great News! FHSD clarifies that “Walkouts” are treated as absences subject to normal rules” showing their priority was punishing students and continued to pursue punishing students for the Walkouts which followed school admin directions. The Board Majority had the right to make this vote. Elections have consequences. The way the decision was handled showed a lack of transparency and a lack of empathy for students. Leadership matters and I do not agree with how the Board Majority handled the vote and the aftermath. A new version of the Black History and Black Literature courses has been presented by district administration and will be voted on at the March 21st Board Meeting. It would be a replacement, and not a reinstatement, of the curriculum. The new proposed curriculum appears to be a strong backup option, which will hopefully be approved.

Over the last several years, the Board of Education has had to or decided to struggle with issues relating to COVID-19, bathroom policies, controversial literature and racism, to name a few. What do you think the Board’s role is when it comes to addressing issues such as these?

Facts are our friends. It is a bad sign whenever someone in power chooses to hold onto an ideology/opinion even when the facts do not back it up. Board members should 1) Embrace the facts wherever they lead, 2) Listen to parents and taxpayers especially if they hold differing opinions, and 3) Be guided by a moral compass that treats everyone with respect and makes public schools the best environment for all students to succeed. Those values can offer guidance even when large challenges like global pandemics, staffing shortages, or growth opportunities hit.

How would you respond to backlash for a vote you made that was unpopular? Please explain your answer.

Everything a school board does should be FOR STUDENTS. I would start by explaining how, in my opinion, my vote was FOR STUDENTS with as much data possible. I would then offer myself to listen to those who disagreed. I would show the same respect that I would like to receive if the situation was reversed. Lastly, I would avoid any version of messaging that vilifies the people who disagree with me because I understand my need to serve the whole community.

  1. What is something our district does that makes you proud? Please explain your answer.

Every parent and taxpayer can be proud of what our teachers accomplish. They have earned the rating as the #1 School District in St. Charles County while simultaneously being paid the least. Their devotion to our students is praiseworthy and a strength we can all celebrate. Our School District’s strengths also include our Project Lead the Way Program, CAPS Program, Academic Excellence, Athletics, Fine Arts, and every coach/teacher dedicating their additional time for extracurricular activities. The FHHS Football Team and the FHC Girls Wrestling Team recently winning State were also incredible achievements that made the district proud.

What are you looking forward to working with the other board members on? Please explain your answer.

We can work together on fiscal responsibility, managing the district budget, and being a steward of district resources. I would like the Board to work together to respond to the real problems facing the district including teacher retention and teacher recruitment, student reports of hateful language in the hallways, vaping in the bathroom, and whatever student needs arise in a timely manner. There is an overlap of some values and we can make some real progress in those areas that benefit students, teachers, staff, and the overall district.

Name one concrete step you would take to improve the climate/atmosphere at board meetings? Please explain your answer.

Remove patrons that mock and name-call others. Give a speaker back whatever part of their three-minute time they lost because of any crowd booing/heckling. Model respectful behavior towards others for people to follow.

What are some specific changes you hope to make and how will these changes impact students in the classroom? Please explain your answer.

If elected, I would serve in a minority role limiting some ability to create specific changes in my first year. That said, I would have the power to start changing the culture that is damaging our culture and pushing teachers away. Francis Howell has been a destination district for decades with teachers from all over wanting to teach here. In only one year of the new board, teachers are leaving for other districts and early retirement. This would have been unheard of just a couple of years ago. The teachers feel attacked, disrespected, micromanaged, and ignored by the current board majority. Teachers are repeatedly accused of being “groomers” and “indoctrinators” by those that support the current board majority. On the day before the teacher’s union and board entered negotiations on a new contract, one member from the board majority shared an Aesop’s fable with a warning to teachers “Moral: It is not wise to be too greedy.” This culture is causing excellent teachers to leave. Losing excellent teachers leads to large overcrowded class sizes which lowers student test scores. Lower test scores then leads to lower property values. Repairing the culture would be a priority that I would have some influence to address immediately. In a minority role, I will also try to focus on exploring 1:1 technology, increasing parent involvement with trackable metrics, improving test scores, preparing students for various successful post-high school futures and addressing student mental health which impacts their safety and Student Success.

Fun question: If you were to have a campaign song, what would it be and why that song? 

“Mr. Blue Sky” by Electric Light Orchestra. It’s hopeful and I am a deeply hopeful person who believes amazing things can happen even when times seem dark. It also shows up in “Guardians of the Galaxy 2,” which is one of my favorite Marvel movies.




Adriana Kuhn

Each candidate was sent the same set of 10 questions to respond to; these questions will also form the basis of the questions each candidate will be asked at the candidate forum on March 19. 

Why do you want to be on the FHSD school board?
I’m running for the Francis Howell School Board to ensure the public education in our district remains high quality. I will focus on fiscal responsibility, setting high academic standards, parental rights, and I’ll work to keep social agendas out of our schools so we at Francis Howell can focus on education. I started going to school board meetings in 2020 to ensure that our district stayed open for in-person learning. Education is essential and keeping our schools open for in-person learning was paramount during that time period in all of our lives.  This started me on the path to take on this role today to serve our community by being on the Francis Howell Board of Education.

Why are you the right person to be elected to work on the board and represent our students and community? 

I have a diverse skill set that prepares me to be on the Francis Howell School Board. I’m a mother, wife, previous stockbroker, small business owner, and a graduate of Truman State University with a degree in Psychology.
As a previous stock broker, I have strong knowledge in reading financial statements, calculating bond rates, and understanding monetary effects for our district’s fiscal choices. It is essential that we have directors on the Francis Howell School Board that have financial backgrounds so we can make proper inquiries and act responsibly concerning financial decisions within our district.
As a parent of children in this district, I care deeply about Francis Howell School District being a high-quality source of public education that prepares our children for robust successful futures. I want to ensure that our school environment is a place that inspires learning and thinking so our children grow intellectually. We can do better at Francis Howell by setting higher academic standards and maintaining stronger oversight for our curriculum.
When setting higher academic standards we need directors on the board who can understand academic research reports so we make data-based choices for our children’s education. When obtaining my Bachelors in Psychology I was required to have multiple statistics and research classes for my degree. The purpose of these courses was to ensure the ability to perform research, interpret data, and confirm the validity of data for ethical standards. Research is a very large part of the teaching curriculum for psychology degrees. Not only am I equipped with reviewing, interpreting, and verifying research data due to the basic requirements for my degree but I also was a part of a large research team at my university for 3 years while obtaining my degree.  My skills and experience with research will be very beneficial while on the board to guarantee our district makes data-based choices for curriculum going forward.

Do you agree with the current Board’s decision to remove and then reinstate the Black Literature and Black History classes from the high school curriculum? 

I support our administration’s decision to keep Black History and Black Literature courses available for enrollment AND I support our board’s decision to remove the “Social Justice Teaching” standards set by The Southern Poverty Law Center for these courses. The administration was the governing party that decided to remove the classes from being available for enrollment. I’m glad the administration reinstated the classes while we wait for updated board-approved standards and curriculum so there is no gap in availability for these courses.

I support the board’s decision to remove the “Social Justice Teaching” standards because the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) who wrote the standards is not a neutral and unbiased source of standards for academics. The SPLC has been criticized for its divisive approach that inaccurately labels individuals and organizations as hate groups. The influence from such a divisive organization on our educational standards raises questions about objectivity and the balanced presentation of information to our children. Allowing a political radical activist group to set the standards for our children’s curriculum at Francis Howell is unacceptable. I absolutely believe we do need Black History and Black Literature courses in our schools but we cannot rely on national activist groups to set the standards and curriculum we teach our children in our classes. This is why it was imperative that these SPLC standards and curriculum were removed from these courses.

Due to our previous board’s actions in 2021, our academic independence was erroneously handed over to the Southern Poverty Law Center and now because of our current board’s vote control over our educational standards were rightfully taken back. It is imperative that we critically examine all of the sources we use to obtain the educational materials and standards that guide our students’ learning at Francis Howell.

Over the last several years, the Board of Education has had to or decided to struggle with issues relating to COVID-19, bathroom policies, controversial literature and racism, to name a few. What do you think the Board’s role is when it comes to addressing issues such as these? 

The Francis Howell Board of Education’s role is to represent the citizens who fund the public education in our society. We as a people fund our children’s public education and us citizens have the right and responsibility to govern education in our communities. Due to this our board should strongly consider citizen and parental voices when addressing controversial current issues. On the board, I will work diligently to represent the parents and citizens in this district while working collaboratively with the district as a whole to overcome all current and new issues that are presented to us. As a community, we must continue to elect inquisitive, strong, qualified individuals to our school board who commit to making the best decisions for Francis Howell. My top priorities on the board will be keeping radical social agendas out of our schools, improving academic results, carefully overseeing our budget, and supporting parental rights. 

How would you respond to backlash for a vote you made that was unpopular? 

Prior to making a decision on any vote, I will carefully consider the input from parents, citizens, teachers, and administration. If there is backlash from a controversial vote I will consider all new information that may be presented to me after the vote. Throughout my time on the board I will continually think critically about decisions and possibilities moving forward. I will stand firmly behind decisions that best represent our community and best serve our district.

What is something our district does that makes you proud?

I’m proud our district creates a strong sense of community within all of our schools throughout Francis Howell. I have two children in the district and both of my children have gone to Francis Howell since kindergarten. Now my oldest is in ninth grade and my youngest is in fifth grade. Due to this I’ve had the opportunity to see Francis Howell function for the past 10 years across multiple levels of educational learning. The sense of community built at each level – elementary, middle, and high school – is profound. Our children benefit significantly from the continual efforts of teachers, administration, and staff across our entire district. At an elementary level, I feel so lucky that both of my children were able to attend Daniel Boone Elementary from K-5th grade. Every single aspect of that school from the principal to teachers to support staff to custodians to SROs has been amazing. They create a very strong sense of community in all of the schools that I have had the pleasure of being a part of. At high school level now that my oldest is in Francis Howell High I am blown away by the efforts to get the kids involved in team-building groups that improve academics, well-being, and create a strong sense of belonging.

What are you looking forward to working with the other board members on? 

I am deeply looking forward to improving academic standards and creating a better working environment for our teachers. 

Name one concrete step you would take to improve the climate/atmosphere at board meetings.

I’d like to allow for more time slots for patron comments when we have critical issues in our district that need to be discussed. I’ve seen other districts allow for additional patron comments when necessary and I think letting all citizens, parents, teachers, and staff express their opinions during school board meetings would help the board make decisions that most accurately reflect the views of our entire community. Currently, only about 10 people are able to speak at each board meeting. Reconsidering these time restraints based on the amount of people who sign up to speak could be beneficial.

What are some specific changes you hope to make and how will these changes impact students in the classroom? 

Our teachers are our most valuable assets at Francis Howell and our teachers’ valuable experiences aren’t fully utilized in our schools. I’d like to initiate more collaboration with teachers in our district. I have been speaking with a lot of teachers during the past 6 months to prepare for being on the board and I’ve gained a lot of knowledge about their experiences. Many things are making the learning environment difficult in our schools. Here are the most common reasons, I’ve been told, teachers are struggling in our schools: discipline, too much outside work that is not associated with learning, high-class sizes, not being able to teach the classes a teacher may prefer, and pay. These are all things I plan to address while I’m on the board. 

If we can create a cohesive dynamic environment in our classrooms starting with the teachers then this will directly positively affect each and every student. We need to support our teachers and sometimes supporting our teachers isn’t easy. This means requiring administration to strictly follow discipline policy and holding administration accountable when our teachers aren’t being supported at a classroom level. Also, it is a strong priority of mine to reinstate any missed salary steps for our teachers. This is one reason fiscal responsibility is so important. With strong oversight of our budget I plan to have the funds available within our district to reinstate the 2014-2018 missed teacher salary steps.

Fun question: If you were to have a campaign song, what would it be and why that song? 

“Good Feeling” by Flo Rida – Oh oh sometimes I get a good feeling. We’ve got this! GO VOTE ADRIANA KUHN April 2!!!!”



Carolie Owens

Each candidate was sent the same set of 10 questions to respond to; these questions will also form the basis of the questions each candidate will be asked at the candidate forum on March 19.

Why do you want to be on the FHSD school board?

I felt I should run for the FHSD as I began to see continuing attacks against public education from sitting board members. Dividing and dictating will destroy the progress of our students and hurts our entire staff. The school community expects and deserves a collaborative environment where they can work, learn, and grow. The constant negative press coverage puts our district in a bad light and will hurt our property values. I want to be a positive force in the FHSD as I serve the students, staff,  and families of this community. I will work for a vision of our schools as a place where we teach truth, learn from the past, and work for a better future for everyone.

Why are you the right person to be elected to work on the board and represent our students and community? Please explain your answer.

I am a retired educator with 32 years of classroom experience and I have a Bachelor’s of Music Education degree, Middle School Certification, and a Master’s degree in Education Administration. I have taught at the elementary, middle, and high school levels in the public schools. As a former member of a curriculum writing team, I understand and value the process and will work to ensure this procedure is followed and respected. Our curriculum writers are
education experts and deserve the trust we have placed in them. 

While teaching, I served in many roles. I understand the challenges teachers face as they do their best to juggle all of the demands of their job. I can use my experience as an educator to lift up our school community so that every student entering our doors will thrive and be successful.

Do you agree with the current Board’s decision to remove and then reinstate the Black Literature and Black history classes from the high school curriculum? Please explain your answer.
I don’t agree with the decision to remove the Black Literature and Black History elective classes from the high school curriculum. I was appalled and disappointed in the way the majority on the board handled the entire situation. Putting the issue on the agenda 24 hours prior to the meeting was inappropriate. I was also shocked the majority did not even consult with the curriculum committee before they made this decision. It is as if they don’t know how schools and school boards are supposed to operate. It appears they are consulting with others outside of the schools to put forth an agenda that is contrary to a collaborative school community.

When there was a huge public outcry the majority decided the bring back the courses as long a the curriculum is written to meet their standards. It seems strange to me that the majority believe they have become curriculum experts since they were elected. Their opposition to social justice conflicts with many churches, corporations, and those who value fair treatment of others. I find this position baffling. We will see if they approve of the new version of these courses at the March board meeting.

Over the last several years, the Board of Education has had to or decided to struggle with issues relating to COVID-19, bathroom policies, controversial literature and racism, to name a few. What do you think the Board’s role is when it comes to addressing issues such as these?
A school board should be serving and overseeing the business of the district. When a conflict or controversy is brought to the board, they should collaborate with those involved and the education experts to come up with appropriate solutions. Personal bias should never be the leading factor in school board decisions. No one is the expert on everything.

How would you respond to backlash for a vote you made that was unpopular? Please explain your answer.

There will always be those who are unhappy in a vote. As long as the decision is what is best for the school community, we will be doing the right thing. It is a good idea to explain how the decision was made to bring more people on board with the decision. The change process takes time and should never be forced on people without the preparation necessary for a positive outcome. People need to understand the reasoning behind any change.

What is something our district does that makes you proud? Please explain your answer.
The spirit of unity I feel in all of the schools I have visited is inspiring. I meet parents who love the teachers and feel their students are being supported and cared for – no matter whothey are! I have seen the inclusive nature of our schools at numerous school gatherings. This commitment to all learners is evident in the postings, artwork, music, and events I have attended. The schools work hard to make everyone feel wanted and celebrated!

What are you looking forward to working with the other board members on? Please explain your answer.
I want to focus on working for school safety, teacher retention, and a competitive curriculum 

for every student in the FH district. What can we do to create a learning environment where everyone feels protected? Teachers are leaving the profession in record numbers. We must pay them what they deserve, support them in their work, and show them we respect their ability to do their job. A competitive curriculum is essential to moving our students forward to a better future. We must provide coursework and opportunities that will prepare them for the college, trade school, or job they wish to pursue. We need to trust our education experts as they teach the lessons and skills our students require.

Name one concrete step you would take to improve the climate/atmosphere at board meetings? Please explain your answer.

I don’t think personal insults are appropriate at a board meeting from sitting board members or patrons. When bad behavior occurs, the offender should be asked to leave. School business should be the focus, not personal grievances.

What are some specific changes you hope to make and how will these changes impact students in the classroom? Please explain your answer.
I believe we need to work on school climate in all of the buildings. I think it would be a good idea the have a committee at each school working together on learning success for everyone in the school. This committee could consist of school staff and students who wish to be involved.

Improved teacher salaries and more teacher appreciation would also contribute to success in the classroom. If our teachers are happy they are more likely to stay in the district and are more likely to have a positive classroom environment.

Finally, school safety needs to be studied and acted on. There are many sources to consult regarding this issue. I would like to form a committee working toward safer schools. Students shouldn’t have to be worried about their safety at school.

Fun question: If you were to have a campaign song, what would it be and why that song?
As a retired music teacher I had the most trouble with this question. There are so many parts of different songs I find appropriate! So, I decided to find a song that would be good for all age groups and be accessible to most people.
Drum Roll! Final choice ———”Lean On Me” by Bill Withers!

The reason I chose this song is that it tells us we all need to lean on each other. At one time or another we all need someone’s help. We are all in this together (another song) and should not be about judging each other. l like helping others. That is why I became a teacher and it is why I want to serve on the FH School Board.


Sam Young

Each candidate was sent the same set of 10 questions to respond to; these questions will also form the basis of the questions each candidate will be asked at the candidate forum on March 19. 

Why do you want to be on the FHSD school board?

Helping people grow in potential was instilled in me from an early age. My mother was a teacher and my public school education provided the solid foundation upon which my career was built. The twenty years I spent in the Navy allowed me to be mentored myself and to have the opportunity to help develop others into confident and strong future leaders. I have four kids, one of which has already graduated from Francis Howell High School, and I am committed to ensuring that all kids in the district have the skills and habits that will allow them to succeed in all they do.

Why are you the right person to be elected to work on the board and represent our students and community? Please explain your answer.

As an engineering program manager, I am experienced at managing staffing and budgets. I have experience setting strategic goals for organizations and then tracking performance using metrics. My time in leadership roles has taught me that “walking the deck plates” and talking to those who are actually doing the work is the best way to understand the health of an organization. I will ensure the long-term fiscal health of the district and keep the focus on academics so that Francis Howell remains as one of the most attractive districts in the St. Louis region.

Do you agree with the current Board’s decision to remove and then reinstate the Black Literature and Black History classes from the high school curriculum? Please explain your answer.

I see the question as more of should the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Social Justice Standards be used to develop classroom curriculum. If the SPLC standards had not been used in the writing of their curriculum, then the Black Literature and Black History courses would not have been potentially interrupted. The school board voted to remove the SPLC standards and allowed the courses to continue as they were till the end of the school year. The SPLC is a political activist organization rather than being a neutral academic or educational organization. Their standards reflected that political activism and were not appropriate for use in public schools. Having the Black History and Black Literature curriculums re-written to be more academically focused and politically neutral is a positive for all students in the district.

Over the last several years, the Board of Education has had to or decided to struggle with issues relating to COVID-19, bathroom policies, controversial literature and racism, to name a few. What do you think the Board’s role is when it comes to addressing issues such as these?

The board is responsible for approving all school district policy, curriculum, and staffing. The board is responsible to the general public for providing oversight and for establishing fiscal control of the school district. The board should establish a good, collaborative relationship with the superintendent and the staff of the district to ensure a successful school district. The board is also obligated to take input from the community and to conduct their decision-making openly and publicly. The items listed above have all been topics of immense interest to the public and directly affected the students and staff of the school district. So I think it has been appropriate for all those topics to be discussed and acted upon at school board meetings.

How would you respond to backlash for a vote you made that was unpopular? Please explain your answer.

Once I am on the board, I will be obligated to vote consistent with the positions and values on which I campaigned. Voters deserve to have elected officials who are the same while campaigning as they are once in office. I am open about where I stand on issues and what my goals will be once I am on the board. I will prepare for votes by researching the topic or question so that I fully understand all the issues and all the options. I will listen to the public so that I can do the best I can to get a sense for how people in the community feel. I will be open to engage and hear from those who will be directly affected by the vote. Then I will vote for the choice that is most objectively and morally correct.

What is something our district does that makes you proud? Please explain your answer.

Being in the Navy, we moved every few years, and I was often away from home. It was important to my wife and I that we provide our oldest the opportunity to do all four years at the same high school. So after 20 years in the Navy, we moved back to the area in time for my oldest to start 9th grade. She became interested in the district-wide high school RAVEN Robotics team and pulled me in as a mentor. For four years, we got to spend a lot of quality (and stressful) time together building a robot from scratch. The teachers, students, and parent mentors were amazing to work with and are a reflection of what is great about this school district. I am proud of the wide range of activities and opportunities the district offers for all students to gain hands-on experiences and further their classroom learning.

What are you looking forward to working with the other board members on? Please explain your answer.

I’m looking forward to working with the other board members and the Superintendent and staff to put together a strategic plan for the district. The plan should set clear, achievable goals for the district with defined measures of performance. I look forward to working with the Superintendent and building administrators to tailor the goals to their needs and situations.

Name one concrete step you would take to improve the climate/atmosphere at board meetings? Please explain your answer.

I have been going to school board meetings since 2021. The board meetings back then were more raucous than board meetings this school year. I think some people see all the people showing up and hear the passion in the patron comments and want to make that all negative. But the issues being discussed at the board meetings are consequential and the community should be heard by the board and central staff. The main thing I would change is to ensure that speakers, to include patrons, board members, and central staff, do not get drowned out by the rest of the attendees. We must be respectful of others and allow even those we disagree with to voice their opinions.

What are some specific changes you hope to make and how will these changes impact students in the classroom? Please explain your answer.

I’ve talked to many teachers in preparing for this campaign and many more have reached out since I filed as a candidate. I most often hear that teachers are dealing with more disrespect and disruptions during class. We need to provide a safe and peaceful learning environment for all students. Teachers should be treated with respect by students and parents. Students should feel safe from bullying and intimidation. I will be looking for a recommitment from administrators to the fair and equal application of the district’s Code of Conduct. Administrators should give teachers the benefit of the doubt over students and support teachers by enforcing consistent discipline standards across the district. I also think communication between the schools and parents when a student is disrupting class can be improved.

Fun question: If you were to have a campaign song, what would it be and why that song?

I think a fun campaign song would be Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It”


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