StuCo and Red Cross hold blood drive

Student Council prepares for the upcoming blood drive at FHC

Kortney Sheahan

Senior Zachary Maas winces as a Red Cross nurse holds his IV in place during the StuCo blood drive on Jan. 30. 128 students, mostly juniors and seniors, signed up to donate blood.

Assisted by Student Council (StuCo) members, the Red Cross will be eagerly awaiting to bag and tag gallons of students very own homegrown, organic blood.

Hosting the blood drive is practically StuCo tradition. StuCo members have been busy setting up the blood drive by corresponding with the Red Cross, collecting donations, signing up donors and will continue to help out during the blood drive itself by performing practically all non-blood-drawing duties (fear not, trained nurses will be the ones sticking you with needles).

For junior Sheridan Aleksick, her own experience volunteering with the blood drive proved to be an interesting and intense memory.

“I worked as a hand-holder during last year’s blood drive,” Aleksick said. “It was a lot of fun. Seriously though, don’t squeeze too hard! You’ll break my fragile hand!”

Senior Erik Reese remembers his own thoughtful donation fondly.

“It was good. I gave blood and got snacks,” Reese said. “There were people sitting beside the beds in case you needed help. I felt fine afterwards, and I got a shirt, which was pretty cool.”

Aside from good karma and potential lightheadedness, volunteers will also be walking away with free juice, snacks and a shirt, which should incentivize all but the most selfish bodily fluid hoarders and the most fervent juice haters.

“If you are going to give blood, I would advise eating a healthy meal before donating,” Reese said. “Some people get a bit dizzy after having their blood drawn.”

The Red Cross concurs and adds that donors should be sure to hydrate properly both before and after donating. StuCo will be manning sign-up tables at lunch for the last time on Wednesday, and the blood drive will take place on Jan. 30. According to StuCo advisor Mrs. Vicki Pohlman, FHC is close to meeting their goal of 120 blood-givers.