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The online home of the Central Focus

The online home of the Central Focus

Healthy food

Kyle Braden December 10, 2010

Dear Jared Fogle and other Subway lovers, This diet is KILLING me! Not even going to lie here. I work at Steak N’ Shake (as most of you all know) imagine my pain. On my first diet, once I got over...

Mixing it up

Kyle Braden December 7, 2010

Dear faithful readers and avid fans, I have good news and more good news. I’m sure you’d love to hear both news! I have been back to the gym since I left you all. I’d estimate about 5ish times....

Ettiquette: not just a fad

November 19, 2010

You're walking into school and you have your arms full of books. You think this kid right in front of you is going to hold the door open for you because he obviously sees you with your arms full. However,...

Tight ties

November 12, 2010

I’ve known numerous people who have treated me like garbage and call me their best friend. Personally, I am horrified for their “just friends.” A true best friend is there for you all the time,...

Shakes, doughnuts and no applause

Kyle Braden November 2, 2010

Dear Faithful Readers and avid Fans, Let me start my blog first by saying that I about died this past Monday when my Zoology and Botany class had a doughnut party (I mean a healthy apple and pear party...


Kyle Braden October 25, 2010

Time slips through my fingers. Twenty four is the magic number but there’s nothing magical about it. Time for school, time for work, time for homework, time for food, and then (oh lord) time to work...

Wacky Wednesday turns disastrous

September 24, 2010

Walking down the hall Wednesday were students with a sandal and a tennis shoe on, two different colored socks and bows and pencils in their hair. Either people forgot how to dress, or it could be fashion...

Wo-man in the Mirror

Kyle Braden September 24, 2010

How we look and present ourselves is a BIG part of who we are. We carry ourselves based on our self-image, which supports our self esteem. In order to successfully carry ourselves in a positive manner...

Trick and treat

Kyle Braden September 16, 2010

There’s a basic principle when it comes to eating that people should follow when trying to watch their weight. It’s hard to follow, a big-little concept, but hard to follow. The answer to my riddle...

Shedding the pounds

Kyle Braden September 10, 2010

Before we continue on through our weight loss journey, I think I need to take this week’s blog to be totally honest about my weight loss experience and the ups and downs I’ve faced, so I can help...

Motivation Devices

Kyle Braden September 2, 2010

Motivation. I could give you some big long definition that doesn’t make any sense but instead I’ll break motivation down for you. It’s why we do what we do. Why do we get out of bed in the morning?...

‘Whip It’

Kyle Braden August 30, 2010

Hey all! I’m Kyle Braden, and I’m a junior. I’ve decided to write a totally awesome blog to reach out to teens who struggle with weight issues, body image issues and for those of us who just want...

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