Golf Season Comes To A Close

With only the state tournament left ahead of them, the boys golf team prepares for their last performance

Madi Hermeyer

Junior Sam Emrick aligns his club up with the golf ball. He focuses as he prepares to hit the ball.

On Wednesday, May 12th, the boy’s golf team participated in the Troy Scramble at Wood’s Fort in Troy. With the end of the season right around the corner, junior Kyle Kreder reflected on the season.

“I’m sad I don’t get to see all my golf buddies after school anymore with the season ending,” Kreder said. “But at the same time I think I’m ready to be done this year after all I’ve played.” 

Their state tournament is scheduled for May 16-18th at Sedalia Country Club. 

Senior golfer Sam Emrick anticipates the tournament as an opportunity to place higher. Despite currently healing from a back injury, he plans to compete at the upcoming matches. 

“I’m expecting, hopefully, a top fifteen, maybe [top] ten finish,” Emrick said.