The online home of the Central Focus

The online home of the Central Focus

The online home of the Central Focus

My favorite photo

My favorite photo

Faith Carter, Staff photographer December 18, 2019

This photo is by far my favorite photo of this year because of the expression and color of the photo. Knowing the play that the actors were performing, I knew when and where the actors would be on stage...

Each game in improv allows for the actors and actresses to better their reaction time and on-the-spot thinking. Many games end up shouts and laughter as the actors on stage  cannot hold back their laughter. Not only is improv entertaining for the audience, but for the fellow actors and actresses as well.

Unscripted performance

Faith Carter, Staff photographer December 3, 2019

Abundant laughter spilled from the mouths of audience members as the actors and actresses of Improv Central ran around on stage, rubber chicken squeaking in the chaos. On Nov. 22, Improv Central presented...

The intricacies of the show can be seen through the technical elements that the actors use. These props make the show much more physical and real as they add to the illusion of a real event.

Before the performance

Faith Carter, Staff photographer November 8, 2019

On a stage filled with tension and argument, the actors of 12 Angry Jurors performed for their first ever dress rehearsal on Nov. 4. Dress rehearsals are vital for ensuring that the show can be performed...

Vice president Josiah Haan laughs along to a funny joke during an improv game. Improv is a place to try new things, and helping others learn to be comfortable with improv is part of the responsibility of an officer.

Finding character

Faith Carter, Staff photographer October 29, 2019

Improv Central kicked off its season strong with 30 or so regular participants, and the meeting Oct. 23 was no different. Split into three groups due to the size, Improv Central officers Isaiah Henry,...

Despite the loss on Oct. 17, the team still showed tremendous strength by maintaining an impressive score despite low attendance rate.

Even though we didnt win...everyone who as there swam their hearts out ad thats all I ask for. said Chris Bissett. I cant wait for GACs and State [with this team].

Loss at a close meet

Faith Carter and Andrew Houmes, Staff photographers October 25, 2019

Arriving at the pool late at night to compete against Fort Zumwalt South, the Francis Howell Central boys swim team warmed up for a tense competition. Facing the handicap of fall break, the Francis Howell...

An on-field injury tests senior Kyle Rolands will to continue on.

Reflecting on a better tomorrow

Faith Carter, Staff photographer September 20, 2019

The neon t-shirts worn by the student section reflected the fluorescent stadium lights of the football field. The tremendous roar that followed each firstdown and advancement by Francis Howell Central’s...

As the field got darker, the varsity softball team fought their way to success as they gained the lead a few innings in. Their efforts resulted in the flyaway victory of the game.

Swinging to victory

Faith Carter, Staff Photographer September 12, 2019

The sun was already setting when the varsity softball game between Francis Howell Central and Francis Howell High began. On Sept. 5, varsity softball faced off against Francis Howell High School’s equivalent...

My Favorite Photo: Faith Carter

My Favorite Photo: Faith Carter

Faith Carter, Staff photographer December 23, 2018

While shooting basketball, I had to use the larger lens to freeze the quick-moving action of basketball. It proved to be a difficult task to follow the girls as they ran from on side of the court to the...

Tough beginnings

Tough beginnings

Faith Carter, Staff photographer December 18, 2018

The great glass windows surrounding the pool in the Rec-plex were dark as the sun had set long before when the match against Francis Howell North began. On Dec. 12, Francis Howell Central girls swim...

Two-time victory

Two-time victory

Faith Carter, Staff photographer December 14, 2018

  With the nerves running high, Francis Howell Central varsity girls basketball faced off against Parkway Central on Dec. 7. The two teams battled it out on the court with tension growing with...

City of 6,000 kids

City of 6,000 kids

Faith Carter, Staff photographer November 10, 2018

  In a city normally occupied with millions of people, a meager 6,000+ of its temporary inhabitants were students attending the national journalism conference held from Nov. 1-4. The conference,...

Paving the way to GACs

Paving the way to GACs

Faith Carter, Staff Photographer October 29, 2018

  It was around 5 P.M. when the winner of the swim meet on Oct. 24 was announced. Francis Howell Central emerged victorious against Fort Zumwalt West as the last event broke the tie between...

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