Daily announcements will now be available on www.fhctoday.com at the following link: https://www.fhctoday.com/delve/daily-announcements
In addition, these announcements will be available via text message. To get them via text those interested can do the following: Open a text message, In the message field type: Follow FHCtoday, Send the message to the following number: 40404
Detention is now open and available for students to serve their detentions.
Detentions are every morning at 6:30-7:15.
You may also serve detentions everyday at 2:30 – you must report to the cafeteria on time.
Or, you may serve detentions on Saturday from 9:00 – Noon.
Prom Announcements
Prom is Saturday, May 5th. Tickets go on sale April 18th during lunches in the cafeteria and before/after school in room 207. If you plan on attending prom, you will need to go to your principal’s office to pick up a prom approval form. The prom approval form can be signed by your principal once all fines have been checked and paid and all detentions served. If you are bringing a guest outside of FHC to Prom, you will also need to pick up a guest permission form from your principal’s secretary. The form needs to be turned in to your principal no later than April 25th. It is a lengthy process to get all signatures required, so please do not delay picking up the guest permission form. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Morrow in room 207. (4/13)
Final Examination Exemption forms are available in the guidance office. Students eligible for exemptions must score proficient or advanced in an EOC test given to them while a student at FHC, or score at least a 26 on the ACT. Attendance, behavior and academic qualifications are also required. Students may only claim 3 exemptions while a student at FHC. If you think you qualify, obtain forms from the guidance office. Your counselor will verify the EOC or ACT qualifications and explain the remainder of the process to you. (4/16)
Auditions for The FHC Spotlight Player’s Children Show will be on Monday, April 16th from 2:30-5:30 in the FHC auditorium. Everyone is welcome to audition! Cast and Crew forms are available outside room 022. Crew forms are due on Monday, April 16th. (4/16)
There will be a mandatory training meeting on Tuesday, April 17th from 2:30-3:30pm in the auditorium for any sophomore or junior students that would like to complete their A+ tutoring hours this summer. Please see Mr. Miller in room 090 if you have any questions. (4/17)
Need a Spring Parking Permit?
They are still available! Get your application completed & don’t forget to COPY your license and insurance card. Permits are $15 – and will take you through the end of the year. (4/13)
Attention all girls who are interested in playing softball at FHC next year. There will be an informational meeting this Friday (April 13th) with new Head Coach, Brian Cissell. The meeting will be in Room 146 and it will begin @ 2:30 and last for approximately 30 minutes.
Very important information regarding spring and summer workouts and summer camps will be discussed. If you are unable to attend the meeting or stay for the entirely, please stop by Coach Cissell’s room (146) or the Activities Office to sign-in and pick up this very important information. (4/13)
Are you looking for your 1st job as an EMT or Paramedic? There will be an Open House with tours and career information at the EMS Academy May 12th from 10-4 and May 13th from 11-5. Free digital fingerprint and photo safety program also available. (4/11)
On behalf of the Francis Howell Central Theatre, Choir, and Band programs, you are cordially invited to our spring musical, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying! April 12th, 13th, and 14th at 7pm in the FHC auditorium (doors open at 6:30). Tickets are $8 at lunch and $10 at the door. Questions or for ticket information please contact [email protected] or 636-851-4680.
Qualifying students for the Straight A Cardinal Tickets may pick up their vouchers in the Guidance Office anytime before May 11th. To see if you qualify, go to the FHC school website. (4/10)
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Meetings are held on Thursday mornings at 7:00
AM in room 106. Join us for community service, social activities, leadership activities and business news. Ms. Neal, Advisor
The Weight Room (room 008) is open for student use after school – Hours: MWF 2:35 – 4:30 T TH 2:35 – 4:00.
Cyber Cave Academy, a five day residential technology summer camp held at Murray State University is accepting applications. The program focuses on hands on interactive activities including building a data network, installing and configuring workstations, servers, routers, and wireless technology. Several scholarships are available to help with costs. For more information and applications go to www.murraystate.edu/tsm/CyberCave
The Audrey Walton Youth Leadership Conference is a three day FREE summer experience held at Mizzou from July 19-21, 2012 which offers training in leadership skills, a team challenge course and positive group interaction. Students entering their junior or senior year next fall may apply. Applications are considered on a first come first served basis with a final deadline of May 4. Space is limited so apply early. Applications are available in the guidance office.
The Third Annual Youth and Family Volunteer Fair will be held on Sunday, April 15, 2012. Students will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of community organizations to find out about volunteer experiences available this summer. The program will be at the Magic House from 1-3:30 pm.(4/15)
Mississippi State University College of Architecture, Art and Design is offering an 8 day Design Discovery workshop that provides insight and hands on experience in the fields of design and architecture. Students must be 16. Financial aid is available for minority students. For more information and an application go to www.caad.msstate.edu/designdiscovery
Boston University is running four different summer programs for high school students. The Research Internship in Science and Engineering for current 11th graders is a competitive program that places students in the science and engineering fields in a lab working with a faculty member on research. The Honors program permits students to enroll in two undergraduate courses of their choice, the Summer Challenge Program for 10-12 graders offers students an opportunity to explore two classes (non-credit) through lectures and hands on experiences, and for 9th graders the Summer Preview Program lets students spend one week in intensive investigation of a specific topic at the college level. For more information go to www.bu.edu/summer/highschool
Missouri University of Science and Technology offers a variety of summer programs that focus on designing and building models of EcoCARS, working with explosives, developing “green” environments, Introduction to engineering, nuclear engineering, leadership and communication, materials, robotics and machine intelligence and specific programs for girls in engineering and science fields. Seniors may also work with experts and conduct research in a chosen field. Go to Summer.mst.edu for information and to register.