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The online home of the Central Focus

The online home of the Central Focus

Emily Mann

Emily Mann, Co Editor- in- Chief

Emily Mann is a senior here at FHC who spends her nights at Plato’s Closet and her mornings in the Starbucks drive thru. She is a sleepy student who really isn’t good at anything in particular but is interested in journalism and has somehow managed to stay on staff for three years, and be EIC and now CO-EIC for two of those. Her heart goes out to @A_single_bear on twitter, who fills her days with joy without fail. You may not notice Emily’s presence in the moment, but you’ll always hear her leave with her signature line: “goodbye, be safe, don’t talk to strangers!”

All content by Emily Mann
Mr. Rhorbach leans over a student to help with his assignment. He always does his best to ensure his kids understand the curriculum.

Mr. Jeremy Rohrbach

Emily Mann, Co Editor-in-Chief
May 11, 2018
A numb state of mind

A numb state of mind

Emily Mann, Co Editor-in-chief
May 4, 2018
Senior John Adams struggles with depression. This illness invades life and can make daily tasks difficult to work through.  "To me, mental illness is an obstacle, but I try extremely hard to fight against it. It feels very suffocating at times, but I have to tell myself that pain is never permanent," fellow senior Allie Kirkpatrick said.

Living through

Emily Mann, Print Editor-in-Chief
May 4, 2018

[Photo] Battle Scars

Juliet Fuhrmann, Move Editor
May 4, 2018

[Photo] Stopping the stigma

Megan Percy, Staff reporter
May 4, 2018

[Photo] My breaking point

Liz Baker, Web Editor-in-Chief
May 4, 2018

[Photo] Not “bad” enough

Skylar Laird, Co Editor-in-Chief
May 4, 2018
It is important to remember even with thousands of things to do, if you want to grow you must put yourself first.

Putting yourself first

Emily Mann, CO-Editor in Chief
March 16, 2018
Lauren Delgado and Anastasia Martin, both sophomores, stand with signs in civil disobedience of the recent shootings. Approximately 150 students participated in the walk out.


Emily Mann, Print Editor-in-chief
March 15, 2018
The final shot

The final shot

Emily Mann, CO-Editor In Chief
March 13, 2018
11,000 lives each year, ended too soon

11,000 lives each year, ended too soon

Emily Mann, Co Editor-in-Chief
February 27, 2018
Diversity club hosts Red Ribbon Week in order to raise awareness amongst students. Red Ribbon Week aims to eliminate, or decrease drug usage amongst the community.

Bring awareness

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
October 25, 2017
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September 2017 issue

Emily Mann, Editor-in-chief
September 28, 2017
I have found in my journey of bettering myself, finding happiness keeping journals has helped immensely. With each blog post there will be a spread of my journal to inspire some things to write about, log, or draw out in your own.

Start somewhere

Emily Mann, Co-Editor in Chief
September 28, 2017
Super Schott

Super Schott

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
May 12, 2017
Senora Crain laughs with her spanish students. Senora Crain has participated with International Club and Central Outreach.

Creative Crain

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
May 12, 2017

Teacher Appreciation Week 2017

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
May 12, 2017
Sophomore Trent Kreienheder soars over the bar at track meet. Task force will be discussing activity fees that sports and clubs might be charged

Pay to play?

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
April 24, 2017
Central Outreach collects shoes for the Shoeman Water Project the first two weeks of April 2017. Boxes can be found outside the main student parking lot entrance, and outside the Activities Directors Office.

Take a walk in their shoes

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
April 7, 2017
Renee Cope

Renee Cope

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
April 3, 2017
Stephen Johnson

Stephen Johnson

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
April 3, 2017
Mary Lange

Mary Lange

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
April 3, 2017
Patrick Lane

Patrick Lane

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
April 3, 2017

“How could you do that”

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
February 10, 2017
Eyeing his target, junior Austin McKinley prepares to push a rolling chair as a part of the Office Olympics he created with two other students in Mrs. Laurie Penuel's classroom during the power outage on Jan. 25. The outage lasted more than two hours before students were dismissed for the day.

Finding some light in the darkness

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
January 25, 2017
Freshman had the opportunity to meet representatives from different clubs during an activity fair.

[Photo] Getting involved

Kira Zerbolio, Staff reporter
October 6, 2016
Mr. Nick Beckmann teaches a class full of 30+ students in AP Government. Many teachers have seen class sizes jump over 30 at the start of the 2016-17 school year.

Another levy

Emily Mann, Print Executive Editor
August 18, 2016
Tj Buchanan waits for a teammate to pass him the frisbee during state tournament.

Ultimately, we had a good season

Emily Mann, Discover Editor
May 11, 2016
The team huddles before an important game

The Ultimate rivals

Emily Mann, Discover Editor
April 19, 2016
Out with the old, in with the new

Out with the old, in with the new

Emily Mann, Discover Editor
April 14, 2016
Senior Eric Gibbs prepares to catch the frisbee.

The ultimate winning streak

Emily Mann, Discover Editor
April 11, 2016
From the Parents Perspective

From the Parents Perspective

Emily Mann, Discover Editor
March 30, 2016
Nolan looks to her teammate asking for the ball.

Falling on senior night

Emily Mann, Discover Editor
March 2, 2016
Defeat by Howell

Defeat by Howell

Emily Mann, Discover Editor
January 19, 2016
Defeat by Howell

Defeat by Howell

Emily Mann, Discover Editor
January 11, 2016
David Miles carries the ball towards the opposite teams goal line during the Crazy 8 wheelchair Rugby tournament. The tournament was held in the gymnasium here at FHC with the help of volunteers, family, and friends.

Crazy 8 tournament gets crazy

Emily Mann, Discover Editor
December 9, 2015

Wolf goes to state

Emily Mann, staff reporter
October 29, 2015

Positivity is key

Emily Mann, Staff Reporter
October 9, 2015
Music with a Message

Music with a Message

Emily Mann, Staff Reporter
October 1, 2015
Swinging into the season

Swinging into the season

Emily Mann, Staff Reporter
September 3, 2015
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